Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Laker Softball Banquet

The kids and I attended this years annual softball banquet to help the girls raise money for their trip to Florida. Because of low funding from the school, they need to raise all the money they can. Being up here in Sault Ste. Marie, a good portion of their schedule is played in Florida over Spring Break. They usually only have one home series in late April, and even then the weather is too nasty for the kids and I to attend.

Brian was a little stinker this year at the dinner, though, as he's in his terrible two's and loves to throw food all over the place. He definitely didn't disappoint this weekend either. Lily felt good that some of the players recognized her and called her by name. She made quite the impression on them during the softball clinic in December. Trevor seemed a little shy this year, but he usually steals the show at events like this because of his sense of humor. We didn't stay real long because of Brian, but still had a good time and got to eat some good burgers and hot dogs.

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